Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Weekend

Paul and Shari are good friends from a former life :oD

They have joined us in bozeman for the past 2 Easter weekends with their 4 boys, Michael, Mark, Matthew, and Benjamin. The boys have near boundless energy and our house rings with laughter and, of course, sound effects. Star fighters, explosions, sirens, roosters, & phaser blasts...
The boys call J. the "Tickle Monster", but Ben may start calling him the "Head Bonker" - J. can explain that if he'd like. :o)

To get some of that energy expended Paul and J got them outside to run around in the freezing cold while Shari and I stayed nice and snug at home.
We spent some quality time with the dishwasher too so it wouldn't feel left out of the festivities!

We taught them Speed Scrabble (which Paul trounced us at - but it WAS 10 pm and I had been up since 4 AM, so he clearly had an advantage!) The boys taught the kids to play Settlers of Catan (Shaun & Anna gave it to us for Christmas).

I always make Blima for breakfast with company, and it is always as much of a hit as it was with me when Great Grama Rachel made it!
Their last day here, Don and Jen graciously let us crash in on them for a morning where the boys could tackle the climbing wall! I think I can safely declare Matthew and Mark official monkies!

Paul & Shari have shared life with us for more than 8 years. God has given us similar hearts and dreams, visions and goals. It was good to talk about all those, to laugh at ourselves, and to pray with one another.

I was also blessed by my kids and how they jumped in with both feet to love on and bless the boys. Duplos, stories, 3-2-1 penguins, games of Settlers, Sorry, Blockus, hikes, egg hunts, photos and giving up their beds and rooms ~ they showed themselves friendly. They are truly letting Christ consume them fully.

:o) *sigh* ~ it's good to love and to be loved in return...

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