Wednesday, December 15, 2010

{{days}} - DPP '10

I grew up on a ranch where Grampa raised his own beef, we reared Appaloosa quarter horses and grew alfalfa for our own hay.  It wasn't a huge spread, but it was a great place to grow up - and, I miss it.  Then Jesus gives me days like this.  Days where I get to watch the stallions be 'ornry to each other and the mares give 'em what for.  Days where sheep stare back at me through mounds of shag and bleat unrelentingly.  Days where when I walk out the door they all rush to the jack-legs hoping I have some tasty treat because the grass is all gone and the hay doesn't come for an hour yet.  Days where I get to fall into the memories I love and smile - but I don't have to deal with the allergies!  Wahoo!
Aren't you thankful for the days you've lived, and the ones that make us remember those days with a smile?

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