Sunday, August 27, 2006

Bon Anniversaire!

Today is After-thought's 1st birthday.
Thank you to all of you who have become my friends through the
blogosphere and have helped me grow
as a child of God through both your comments
and your posts. What was begun reluctantly
has become a joy and delight.
Thanks for stopping by to 'listen' in on God's thoughts
in my head.


Amy Witt said...

Happy Birthday To One of my favorite blogs.

Deeapaulitan said...

Thank you Amy. It seems you are the only one who came to the party. :)

Anonymous said...

My Beautiful Mother,

It's hard to belive over a year's gone by since "after thought" became reality!

I'm so proud of you for sticking with it!

I love reading your wonderful posts and, as I do so, find more and more similarites in our writing styles ;)

Meaning that I seem to connect more and more with the heart of this author as I follow her lovely blog ;p

Your wonderful and I love you so much!!
