Saturday, March 29, 2008

Suddenly Gone

A couple weeks ago we noticed a cough, and some labored breathing. But she was still so happy, eating well, wanting to play ball, playing keep away.
2 days ago I mentioned that it was odd that I hadn't seen Mazy in a couple days. She is always our first and last visitor of the day.
We got news today that Mazy had a cancerous tumor on her throat, and they had to put her down or let her suffer.
I've been crying.
She wasn't ours, but she has definatly a special part of our life in Montana. So much so that I am having a difficult time seeing our days rolling by without her.
Goodbye, sweet girl.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. Mazy was an incredible dog. It is definitely like losing one of your own pets.


Deeapaulitan said...

Thanks Shari. I'm still at the verge of tears everytime I think of her. Cassia has been away on a college group activity since we found out, so you can be praying... I know she is going to take it really hard when she gets the news.

naomi said...

i'm very sorry to hear that, especially so suddenly. i know she was part of your family. i will be praying for cassia.

Deeapaulitan said...

Thank you Naomi, I told her last night and she pretty much cried herself to sleep. We are all at a loss. She always hiked with the kids, I was never worried when she was with them. For some reason, Cricket doesn't give me that assurance! :o) We may just have to get another dog.

Anonymous said...

So, sorry my friend, I reaaly believe "All Dogs of to Heaven", actually I believe all animals go. I know what it is to lose a muched loved pet. The grieving and pain is soooo real. He is probably playing with some of our beloved ones who have gone before us. Rest assured you shall play with him once again. Love ya Shelly

Deeapaulitan said...

Thank you Shelly. She isn't the first one I've lost either and it never gets easier. When all there is in a relationship is reciprocation of love, the hurt seems much more accute.
We have lost so much in the past year and 3 months. My dad, then Larry, then our friend Kathy, and now Mazy. I hope it is the last for a good long while.