Queen Shenaynay over at
the Beehive tagged us with the 5 thing meme. Here Goes:
5 Things in My Refrigerator~
White Cranberry Peach juice (organic)
Master's Tonic (a Winky Pratney lifesaver)
No less than 8 different kinds of cheese (Pooh has his honey, we have our cheese)
Fresh batches of homemade pico de gayo & guac (nearly gone)
10 tomatoes fresh picked from the garden
5 Things in My Closet~
6 Purses (seasonal accents)
1 cashmere sweater (I'm hoping to build a collection - you have to start somewhere!)
8 pair of shoes (we just rotated the summer flops out for the winter loafers)
Treasure box from my childhood (driftwood, snail shells, a locket, photos, etc...)
books (stacked, piled, standing, catawompas)
5 Things in My Purse/Backpack~
My favorite pen ( a lovely little number from the Doubletree Hotel)
Rosebud Salve
three sets of keys on Korean keychains
My Jackie-O sunglasses
nail clippers
5 Things in My Car~
emergency kit (never used- unopened in the 5 years it has been with me)
Phone book
on audio: James Taylor collection, Scott Kripayne, MP3's of Jackson Brown, Leeland, a Tim Keller sermon, and Mercy Me
Local latte stand punchcards
Ibuprofen (James' stash for his rotater cuff injury)