Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Shhhweeeeeeeeeet 16!

I love this man. Man. Seems an odd term to use on one's own progeny, but that is the only way to describe him now.

He watches out for us when his dad is gone, he fills my hug quota till it is overflows, he is learning to take responsibility quickly ~ there isn't much child left in him.
We had a group of guys out to the house for basketball, an off trail adventure, bratwursts and smores last Friday. What an eyeopener to have that much testosterone in one place all at one time! It was a kick! Today was his actual turning and we celebrated with the world renowned Wheat Montana cinnamon rolls! (appropo for his first bday here!)

Thank you, Father God, for such a wonderful son! He is a man after your own heart.

We also had a bit of a surprise:

The first birthday ever to have a snowfall!! Strange, indeed.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Christopher!(a little late) Paul had snow for His Birthday too! That was a first for us too! How fun!

Happy Memorial Day!


Amy Witt said...

THey grow up? I am going to enjoy the littles while I have them. He is a joy but I see a spark of little guy still there. May he never forget what it was like to be one. Happy Birthday!!