Saturday, November 24, 2007

Dearly Beloved...

2 of our favorite people made it legal for them to practice PDA last night. :o) Robin and Nathan are officially one flesh. Man & Wife. Leavin' and Cleavin'.
I was privilaged to be asked to shoot their ceremony. (which I was all calm and cool about while it was happening but am freaking out internally about now.)

I'll post more shots later, but here is one from the rehersal. (I haven't even loaded the 300 wedding shots.)

Pray for them as they fly to the Dominican Rep. for their honeymoon. Pray for the photos to have turned out well and that they'll love what I was able to do. AND - As I have to run Song Show at our worship service in the morn, you can pray for me too!


Sara said...

Wow! That was fast...for some reason, I was thinking that the wedding was planned for the spring. Yay!! I'm sure the photos are beautiful...can't wait to see.

Anonymous said...

The wedding photo looks so beautiful. Thanks for sharing it, Blessings, Rose