Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Accidents Happen

Minda accidentally made herself a hat.
She set out to make a carrier/cover for her Kleen Kanteen with wool. Her plan was to make it larger and then felt it, but when she saw just how big she was making it, she tried it on and decided to finish it as a beenie instead!
She's so remarkably talented. Trying new things doesn't seem the least bit daunting to her. She now knows how to knit with 4 needles (+) and has decided to make herself a hat for Israel out of the softest yarn I have ever felt in my life, spun from the fiber of sugar cane.
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Sara said...

Gorgeous!! I love the colors. She is an amazing young woman.

Addie said...

I wish I were that way, but if I cannot be perfect on the first attempt, it's hard for me to try new things.

Needless to say, I rarely try new things. :(