Thursday, October 06, 2011

Me llevó lejos (That would be Spanish for 'Carried Me Away') {{4}}

Last of our Mexico port of call.  Dona Lupe' vineyards.  Small, grassroots, organic, family run ~ our kind of place.  Not our kind of wine, but I must tell you, we bought jars of their jams and sauces and wish they were available online or here in the states.  It will be a sad day when we swallow the last drops.

 They served us flatbread pizzas, and the hens were hoping for their fair share too. 

 Hacienda and new vines of Temprinillo.
 Bee Hives!  We were on the bus, jostling over a few of the kinds of rocks you see here - hence the blurr... sorry.
 Wild Olives.
 The local Pharmacy....

James stopped to buy a cigar or two for the Friday poker night with the boys.  I couldn't resist capturing the Absinthe advert.
Time to head for home.  Little did I know what James had up his sleeve for us when we arrived back in Long Beach.

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